
Ikigai book review | Ikigai free audio book | Ikigai pdf book

IKIGAI Self Help Book

Ikigai book based on a Japanese concept. According to this concept, we find the deeply sown purpose of our lives from within ourselves by defining our passion, mission, vocation, and profession.

It gives you tips as to how the simplest things in our life, like sometimes, taking a pause, are what will give us a long and happy life. You can really find your ikigai it will show how to leave urgency behind, and find your purpose, nurture, friendship and throw yourself to your passion.

The book does a decent job of relating the concept of Ikigai to modern-day psychology (with Frankl’s Logotherapy from Man’s Search for Meaning among others) and a few scientific references in a simple manner. It talks about how purpose plays an important role in a man’s life and the different ways in which it manifests itself.

It also tackles some ways to find your flow’ and ensure that what you do receives 100% of your attention and that you enjoy whatever you are creating.

The book also discusses certain other Japanese concepts like Takumi (specialized workers) and moai (connections with community or friend-circle). The brief discussions have the benefit of being to the point and simple but also pose the risk of trivializing them into regular self-help advice.

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The book also delves into Japanese perspectives on living life and persevering without getting caught up in artificially-created urgency. But again, maybe the authors wished for the readers to research more or meditate more on the content given the concise treatment of the same.

The chapters on diet and exercises have more details and thus, may be more useful. Certain foods are dealt with in greater detail as is the concept of ‘Hara Hachi bu’ wherein one eats only 80% of what would actually assuage his hunger.

The chapter on exercises includes illustrations and steps. While they may suffice for some of the purposes mentioned in the book – the philosophy behind them, progressive increments and other essential details are missing or insufficient.

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Hardcover BookIkigai Book
Kindle EditionIkigai Kindle Book
Audio BookIkigai Audio Book

Storywalla says that We should always challenge our brain that we think we can’t do many things at once do one by one. Fill in new information every day to your brain. Don’t overstress little stress is needed or else we will be lazy be calm

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