English, Story

What is perfect match for you?

perfect match

Money or Love or Both

This is the story of a girl who was selfish in nature & has false perception about herself that lead to ruin her life.

I come from a conservative Karnataka family born and brought up in Central India. Against my family tradition, I fell in love with a guy who was not Karnataka and was a common friend. He was well behaved, polite, smart and handsome and studied in one of the top colleges of the country.

We had amazing chemistry and we started to enjoy each other’s company

One fine day I proposed to him and he said we should first be compatible with each other before deciding anything to which I also agreed. We both moved to Bangalore after graduation and started our careers in different companies. He was in a product-based IT MNC and me in another IT MNC company.

We spent the best times of our life during that time. It was like a honeymoon which I never wanted to end.

He was near perfect in everything possible, a teetotaler, valued family, amazing cook, good at studies, career-oriented, etc.

He always planned things to perfection and had career goals. Any girl would have fallen for him. Sometimes, I couldn’t believe that he’s all mine and felt lucky to have him. He also deeply loved me and always remained loyal to me. I also showered all love to him. I felt so happy and satisfied then.

Now comes the twist in the story- after spending 2-3 years in IT, we both decided to go for higher education. That year, I cracked my PG exam and went for higher education in a different city.

He helped me a lot in exam preparation both emotionally and financially, but due to less percentile, he didn’t get into his dream college and hence he was upset. He was happy for me but was sad as we were separating.

The long-distance relationship started showing fractions. It was all due to my over-ambition and the false perception of having a better job than his. He stayed calm and tried his best to explain to me that it’s just a matter of time and let this time pass by.

I got a hefty package post my MBA and he was still struggling to get into his dream college.

One more year passed by, my parents searched a guy from our community and my engagement was fixed. I didn’t inform my BF about the same as we didn’t speak that often as I refused to take his calls. I was happy for my parents but did not know how to tackle the situation.

My brain took over my heart and I decided to dump my BF for a better life and family values.

I called him and informed about the whole thing. He carefully listened and said if I give him just 6 more months, he will fix everything.

I was adamant and didn’t agree, dumped him and got married. He was completely broken and had a very tough time. I ended our 4 years old relationship abruptly without even thinking about how the poor fellow will feel. I was happy and had no regret. I considered it was a smart move from my end and had pride in what I did.

Two more years passed, I started feeling the lack of love and affection in my marriage life. We were just earning money and there was no love in my life. My husband is the exact opposite of my ex and is just after the money & has no emotion nor sentiments. My parents say they can’t help much in this matter.

Now, I regret what a huge mistake I have made. In these years, my ex went on to do his PG from a reputed IIM, got Gold Medal there and an amazing job in one of the Top Consulting companies of the world. He is getting married to one of his classmates who is a damn beautiful girl and upcoming writer.

He’s a true gentleman and when I met him last, he said he has no remorse or bad feelings for me but he had to go through hell after our breakup. He said how we wished he would have got those 6 months from me.

I feel how stupid and selfish I am. I will always regret my decision of dumping him. He is a perfect example and inspiration for all the guys and girls. All my false perception and void family values and my over smartness have just vanished.

He is a perfect example and inspiration for all the guys and girls. All my false perception and void family values and my over smartness have just vanished.

I have let a gem slipped out of my hand. I surrender to my fate & wish him the best. “

In point of storywalla, Everyone has the right to choose a partner for herself or himself but while choosing your partner not only consider money but other aspects of life like honesty, compassion, respect, etc.

Image by PDPics from Pixabay

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