
Choose Your Music Wisely

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Music is a part of every known society, past and present, and is common to all human cultures across the globe.

“Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before the speech, and it is above and beyond all words.”

Robert G. Ingersoll

One has to think carefully before listening to any type of music. Do not just put on the radio, phone, or television randomly. We should choose our music carefully, as it will invariably influence our personality.

Before deciding which type of music you want to listen to. First Decide what kind of mindset or mood you want to create through music.

Since at different times, you want to listen to different music, so time also an important factor while choosing music. Morning is the time when the mind is most sensitive to the slightest vibrations around you. It is best to avoid listening to loud or rock music at this time.

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As the day progress, everyone gets fully charged up. Hence during the afternoon listen to that music that has a faster pace to match your inner build-up of energy.

Later in the afternoon, after half a day’s work is done, one should contemplate what one’s mind needs. If you need to take a nap, listen to soft music. If you want to be active, increase the pace of the music accordingly.

Music also helps to build up our moods. One can create the required mood with the help of music.

If you go to a pub the mood created there is through a particular kind of music. One is not expected to meditate there, so music is bound to be loud and encourage dancing.

Chanakya in Daily Life

The background music of movies or web series has a great impact on the viewer. The background music sets the theme of the scene in the mind of the viewer. Moviemakers always concise while choosing music in their a movie or web series.

So use music to create the mood you desire. when you want to have a romantic dinner, choose the appropriate music in the background. If you want to feel energetic or relax choose music accordingly.

Reference from book Chanakya in daily Life by Pillai

Storywalla says that choose your music wisely so that you can create your mood as per your requirement and make your day fulfill of enjoyment.

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